wordnet sql builder |
The stage (either on the command line or in the property file) is an integer code n. When n is positive, all the stages starting from n will be carried out. When negative if refers to this stage only (without the following steps). For ease of reference, strings can replace the step's code number. For complete reference see below.
global step | description |
standalone step |
all | wordnet |
drop all existing tables create all tables |
resume drop tables | |
flush categoryid, linkdef tables build categoryid, linkdef tables |
resume tables | |
flush word table build word table |
resume words | |
flush all tables derived from indices build all tables derived from indices |
resume indices | |
flush all tables derived from synset tables build all tables derived from synset tables |
resume synsets | |
flush morph tables build morph tables |
resume morphs | |
flush frame tables build frame tables |
resume frames | |
update tags and lexid fields; |
resume tags lexids | |
flush sentence tables build sentence tables |
resume sentences | |
create indexes apply unique constraints apply foreign key constraints |
resume constraints |
sense maps | wordnet synset id map from 2.0 to 3.0 |
sense map 1 | wordnet synset id map from 2.0 to 2.1 |
sense map 2 | wordnet synset id map from 2.1 to 3.0 |
xwordnet | xwordnet |
verbnet | verbnet |
Command ids and strings
all | ALL | 0 |
create tables | CREATETABLES | 1 |
drop tables | -DROPTABLES | 10 |
create static tables | CREATESTATICTABLES | 2 |
create extra tables | -CREATEXTABLES | 30 |
drop extra tables | -DROPXTABLES | 31 |
words | WORDS | 3 |
indices | INDICES | 4 |
synsets | SYNSETS | 5 |
morphs | MORPHS | 6 |
frames | FRAMES | 7 |
tags lexids | TAGSLEXIDS | 8 |
sentences | SENTENCES | 9 |
constraints | -CONSTRAINTS | 11 |
drop constraints | -DROPCONSTRAINTS | 12 |
primary key constraints | -PKCONSTRAINTS | 13 |
drop primary key constraints | -DROPPKCONSTRAINTS | 14 |
key constraints | -KCONSTRAINTS | 15 |
drop key constraints | -DROPKCONSTRAINTS | 16 |
unique constraints | -UNQCONSTRAINTS | 17 |
drop unique constraints | -DROPUNQCONSTRAINTS | 18 |
foreign key constraints | -FKCONSTRAINTS | 19 |
drop foreign key constraints | -DROPFKCONSTRAINTS | 20 |
extra constraints | -XCONSTRAINTS | 32 |
drop extra constraints | -DROPXCONSTRAINTS | 33 |
show tables | -SHOWTABLES | 21 |
show properties | -SHOWPROPERTIES | 22 |
create skeleton | -SKELETON | 23 |
drop skeleton | -DROPSKELETON | 24 |
create sense maps | -CREATELEGACYTABLES | 40 |
drop sense maps | -DROPLEGACYTABLES | 41 |
sense map 1 | -LEGACY1 | 44 |
flush sense map 1 | -FLUSHLEGACY1 | 45 |
sense map 2 | -LEGACY2 | 46 |
flush sense map 2 | -FLUSHLEGACY2 | 47 |
sense maps | -LEGACY | 42 |
flush sense maps | -FLUSHLEGACY | 43 |
xwordnet | -XWORDNET | 50 |
flush xwordnet | -FLUSHXWORDNET | 51 |
verbnet | -VERBNET | 60 |
flush verbnet | -FLUSHVERBNET | 61 |
read synset [synsetid] | -READSYNSET | 100 |
read index [index] [n|v|a|r] | -READINDEX | 101 |
retrieve sensekey [sensekey] | -RETRIEVESENSEKEY | 102 |