
wordnet sql builder
Bernard Bou



- disregard warnings about overwriting the restore-[mysql|posgresql][bat|sh] files : these are actually the same in all packages.

- the modules are the following:

wn WordNet core this is the core module : it is required by others.
legacy legacy wordnet legacy senses, sensemaps and synsetmaps to target version
vn VerbNet VerbNet, a class-based verb lexicon (VerbNet)
bnc British National Corpus BNC statistical data
xwn XWordNet Extended WordNet (XWordNet)
glf GlossLF Gloss logical forms (WordNet standoff files)
ilfwn ILFWN Intermediate logical forms for WordNet (ILFWN)
sumo SUMO Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO)

- unless you modify the scripts you'll need to have MySQL root or PostgreSQL postgres access



java -classpath {modulejar*,driverjar, supportlibjars} org.wnsql.builder.Builder -data:data.properties -jdbc:jdbc.properties -todo:todo.properties [action]


A list of action parameters is available when the above is run with no action parameter.


Please refer to example property files.

data conf filedefines where the homes to data are located
jdbc conf filedefines JDBC settings such as database url, user, password, ...
todo conf filesdefines what are the active modules and what they do